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Positive Practice ABA is an outstanding organization works greatly to open the door towards Applied Behavior Analysis education to be easily accessible. Our aim is to provide accessible ABA education while maintaining high standards.

Positive Practice ABA is approved by the Qualified Applied Behavior Analysis Credentialing Board (QABA), which is an internationally accredited board for ABA professionals. This allows us to continue providing high quality ABA education in the region with our team of highly experienced educators.

Courses Offered :

Technician Level


Applied Behavior Analysis Technician

A Professional in behavior analysis
who practices under the close, ongoing
supervision of QBA / BCBA or QASP-S / BCaBA.

Bachelor’s Level


Qualified Autism Service Practitioner-Supervisor

A Bachelor’s-level professional in behavior
analysis who practices under the supervision of a QBA / BCBA.

Master’s Level


Qualified Behavior Analyst

A Master’s-level professional in behavior
analysis who is able to practice independently
and provide supervision for ABATs and QASP-S.